From stone to plastic
1. The Chinese developed the earliest forms of coins. They were round pieces of cheap metal and had little value. In fact, it was not until the 7th century BC in the kingdom of Lydia that the first real coins were made. These were also made of metal, and their value was determined by their weight. By that time, money had become so important that the developed societies started circulating their own coins with an identifying mark stamped on them as a sign of authenticity. 2. In actual fact, people had been using coins for about 1600 years until banknotes made their historic appearance. Paper currency was first introduced in China in the 19th century AD. The idea of having money in the paper form was warmly received. In the beginning, simple handwritten receipts were used, but in the early11th century they had been given fixed values and became official. Until the late 17th century that the first printed paper money was issued in Britain.
3. But that was then and this is now. These days hard cash is no longer our payment option. Plastic money, in the form of credit cards, has become indispensable. Credit cards originated in USA in the 1930s, but they didn’t become popular until the 1950s. These cards have changed our perception of money, as it is no longer necessary to pay up front. Plus, they are convenient in an emergency and very easy to use. 4. Undoubtedly, the evolution of money isn’t going to stop here. It’s widely believed that “smart money” in the form of “smart card” will revolutionise financial transaction one day. Smart cards will contain microchips that will store personal data and have the capacity to take care of all your financial obligations without having to lift a finger!

I- COMPREHENSION (15 points)
A- Match the main ideas with the paragraph.(2points)
a- The people discovered the luxury of buying now and paying later.
b- Cards with built-in micro computers are bound to open the door to a new dimension.
c- The idea of using coins in trade originated in Asia.
d- Paper money became acceptable in Europe.
B- Are these sentences true or false? Justify.(4points)
1. During the 7th century BC, the heaviest coins were the most valuable.
2. At first people didn’t accept the idea of using banknotes.
C- Answer these questions (4 points)
1. When did people start using credit cards?
2. What are the benefits of using credit cards according to the writer?
D- What do the underlined words in the text refer to? (2points)
1. These (IP 1)
2. That time (IP1)
E- Find in the text words or expressions meaning the same as: (3points)
1. Welcomed (paragraph 2)
2. Necessary (paragraph 3)
3. Memorise (paragraph 4)

II- LANGUAGE (15 points)

A- Rewrite these sentences as indicated.(3 points)
1. “Did you buy the napkins?” Betty asked Susan.
Betty asked Susan..........................................
2. Moussa didn’t stay in Italy because he wasn’t able to find a job.
3. The government has to plant trees in the regions. Soil erosion is a real danger in these regions.
The government has to plant trees in the regions where...............................................

B- Choose the right answer.(2 points)

1. Hania didn’t attend the meeting (because- due to-although-despite) her illness.
2. Hassan El fad, (who-whom-whose-which) sense of humour is appreciated by many people, is a famous
Moroccan comedian.

C- Write the verbs (.........) in the correct form.(3 points)

1. What a pity! I didn’t save money for my last holiday. I wish I (do) so.
2. In a few weeks’ time we (have) the National Exam. So, we have to keep on (work) hard.

D- Make collocations.(2 points)
1. Mixed a-power
2. Child b- labour
c- classes
d- opportunities
E- Match the sentences with the expressions.(4 points)

1. People mustn’t smoke in public places
2.Adil could have taken my bag.
3. You ought to make a medical check up.
4. They must have changed the plan. a- It’s advisable.
b- I ‘m sure
c- It’s forbidden
d- I’m not sure

F-What does this sentence express? (1 point)
1. To be honest, our clerks need an increase in their salaries.

III- WRITING (10 points)
Some students prefer to have a part -time job during the summer holidays. Write an article for your school magazine giving your opinion: Are you for or against having a part time job?

A- (0.5 each)
a-paragraph 3
b- paragraph 4
c- Paragraph 1
d- paragreaph 2
B- (2points each)
1.True( their value was determined by their weight).
2. False( the idea of having money in the paper form was warmly received)

C- (2 points each) the 1950s
2. the benefits are: it’s no longer necessary to pay up front, they are convenient in an emergency and very easy to use.

D- (1point each)
1.These: coins
2. That time: 7th century BC
E-(1 point each)
1. warmly received
2. Indispensable
3. store

A- (1point each)
1. Betty asked Susan if she had bought the napkins.
2. If Moussa had been able to find a job, he would have stayed in Italy.
3.The government has to plant trees in the regions where soil erosion is a real danger.

B- (1 point each)
1.due to
2. whose

C- (1 point for each correct word)
1.had done
2. will have had-working.

D- (1 point each)
1.mixed classes 1.c
2. child labour 2. B

E-1point each)
2. d
3. a
4. b

F- 1 point
1.Giving opinion

III-WRITING (10 points)