Morocco’s policy for the empowerment of women
A-Goals and objectives:
The goal of this policy is to bring about the advancement, development and empowerment of women
1. Creating an environment through positive, economic and social policies for full development of women to enable them to realize their full potential
2. The enjoyment of all human rights and fundamental freedom by women on equal basis with men in all spheres-political, economic, social and civil.
3. Equal access to participation and decision making of women in political, social life of the nation.
4. Equal access to health care, quality education at all levels, career and vocational guidance, employment and social security.
5. Strengthening legal systems aimed at elimination of all forms of discrimination and violence against women

B-Economic empowerment of women
1. Poverty eradication
Since women comprise the majority of the population below the poverty line and are often in situations of extreme poverty, macro economic policies and poverty eradication programmes address the needs and problems of such women.
2. Micro credits
Poor women who are engaged in simple economic activities like carpet making, handicraft, livestock breeding are lent micro-credits to enable them promote their projects.
3. Women and agriculture
The programmes for training women in soil conservation, social forestry, dairy development and other occupations related to culture will be expanded to benefit women workers in the agricultural sector.
4. Women and industry.
Women have played an important role in information technology, food processing, that’s why they should be given support in terms of labour legislation, social security and other services to participate in various industrial sectors. Women cannot work now in night shift in factories so suitable measures should be taken to allow them to work safely as using security companies, crèches at place of work, decent transportation.
C- Social empowerment of women
1. Education
Now, equal access of education for girls and women is assured. Special measures have been taken to eradicate illiteracy as encouraging non-formal education and giving prizes to urge illiterate women to learn. The government has already started a pilot programme which proved to be successful; it is the construction of shelter for girl students in rural areas. This has nearly stopped dropping out. (leaving school without finishing one’s studies)
2. Health
Many efforts are made to face the problems of infant and maternal mortality. Building new hospitals and health centres near the big villages, making women aware of the family planning through mass media are all effective way to reduce the death rate among pregnant women.
3. Women in difficult circumstances.
This group includes women in extreme poverty, destitute women (without food and shelter), women in conflict situations, the disabled widows, elderly women, single mothers in difficult situations, those displaced from work, women who are victims of marital violence and sexual harassment . All forms of violence against women, physical or mental; whether at home or in street or at work are no longer tolerated. Many institutions for social assistance are created and strengthened for prevention of such practices. The family code which was applied in 2004 is a developed form of preserving women and children’s rights. Mass media have been used to portray images consistent with human dignity of girl and woman. The Moroccan policy in this domain will strive to remove demeaning, degrading and negative conventional stereotypical images of women.