Malek is a Tunisian. He lives in Belfast, Ireland. He was born in Tunis and lived there with his mother until the age of 18. His father died in a car accident when he was only 10. His mother worked as a maid in a doctor’s house. Malek feels sad when he remembers all those hard days. He and his sisters, Soumia and Mina, have never had enough to eat. The girls left school when they were only 12.
Malek was a hard-working intelligent student. He was very good at maths and physics. His marks were never below 17/20. All his teachers liked him and encouraged him to go abroad. Now he is studying at Belfast University. In two years’ time, he is going to get his B.A in electronics. Many big companies have sent him letters. His name has appeared in the local newspaper. But Malek has only one dream: he wants to go back to Tunisia as soon as possible, work there and help his family.

A- Are these sentences true or false? Justify.
1. Malek is from a poor family.
2. Malek’s sisters go to school in Tunis.
B- Answer these questions.
1. When did Malek leave his mother’s house?
2. Where did his mother work?
3. What is Malek studying?
C- What do the underlined words in the text refer to?
1. He (IP 1)
2. There (IP 2)
D- Fill in the blanks with one word from the text.
1. Malek’s ………wanted him to go abroad.
2. Malek will have his …….in two years’ time.
3. His………were always high.
4. Malek had a………. life.