اقتراح الاستاد سككيني[/[/ اداب عصرية اامتحان التجريبي السنة الثانية

Computer obsession: is it a real addiction?
There’s some disagreement among psychologists as to whether computer obsession is even a real addiction. Although many therapists have added “computer addiction” to their list of disorders to be treated, others claim that it’s more like pathological gambling than a true addiction, because it involves a behavioural failure to resist an impulse and not a physical dependence upon some sort of substance.
There have been few studies on the fairly recent phenomenon of computer addiction, so there are few scientific facts to quote. However, there’s plenty of anecdotal evidence that seems to suggest that computer addiction not only exists, but may actually be close to an epidemic worldwide. Most heavy computer users are aware of their own problem or know of other people who seem to display all the symptoms of an addicted personality.
Like many drug user, computer addicts have a tendency to lose track of time when they’re online. They can spend entire days in cyberspace and not realize it. They go without sleep, they forget to eat, and they stay at home from work or school. They oftentimes find themselves wanting to get up and tend to their lives, but are unable to pull themselves way from their computer chairs. Given the choice between the real world and the world of cyberspace, the virtual world wins.
One large factor for computer addiction involves video games. Some games in particular have notorious reputations for being difficult to walk away from, such as Doom, Lode, Runner, and even the lowly game of computer Solitaire. Other areas are very difficult to ignore, are email, chat rooms, and newsgroups. Many companies have recognised the potential for losing large amounts of time and are fighting back, denying employees access to the Internet, email, chats or games while on the job. Many colleges are now beginning to include workshops on computer addiction as part of their standard freshman orientation.
www.clickingaddict.com/ computer-addiction.html (adapted)
I- COMPREHENSION (15 points)
A- Go over the text and say which paragraph (4points)
a- declares that computer addiction is growing. Paragraph 1
b- gives a definition of computer addiction. Paragraph 2
c- shows some types of computer addiction. Paragraph 3
d- presents some symptoms of computer addiction. Paragraph 4
B- Are these sentences true or false? Justify. (3 points)
1. It’s commonly agreed that computer obsession is a real addiction.
2. Computer addicts ignore their daily responsibilities.
3. Millions of productivity hours are lost due to employees surfing in the office.
C- Answer these questions (4 points)
1. What is the definition of computer addiction according to psychologists?
2. Why aren’t there enough scientific facts to illustrate that computer obsession is a real addiction?
D- Find in the text words or expressions which mean the same as(2 points)
1. Do not know what’s happening (IP3) = ……
2. Connected (IP 3)=……….
E- What do the underlined words in the text refer to? ( 2 points)
1. Others (IP 1)=
2. Their (IP 4) =

II- LANGUAGE (15 points)
A- Fill in the blanks with the correct words (3points)
In spite of-due to- furthermore- thanks to –therefore-since
…1.the economic situation, fewer people are taking holidays this year......................
2being over sixty, he still enjoys parties..................
3. It was getting dark;………….., we decided it was time to leave.

B- Rewrite these sentences beginning with the words given. (3 points)
1. Parents mustn’t leave the children alone.
2. Amr didn’t get a degree because he left school early.
..................................... If
3. “Well, it was my fault”
.......................... Kamal admitted

C- Choose the correct answer (3 points)
1. Don’t (show up-hand in- hand out- speed up) your test paper until you make sure you have answered all
The questions.
2. (When I came in here yesterday, I could see she (had cried- will have cried- had been crying- cries.
3. The gift (who-which-whose-whom) you sent me is great.

(D-Make collocations (2 points 1. Digital a- value
2. Advanced b-technology
c- empowerment
d- divide

E- Write the words (……….) correctly.(2 points)
1. These young artists have introduced a lot of (improve) in the art of pottery.
2. The film I saw yesterday was (believe). It was a fiction only.

F- Which functions do these sentences express? (2points)
1. What should I do?
2. For me life in the countryside is difficult.

III- WRITING. (10 point)
You have recently read about the problems that you young people suffer from.
Write a letter to the editor of a magazine about the problems that young people in your city suffer from.

I- Comprehension 15 POINTS
A- ( 1 point each)
a- paragraph 2
b- paragrapg 1
c- paragraph 4
d- paragraph 3

B- (1 point each for correct answer)
1. F (There’s some disagreement among psychologists to whether computer obsession is a real addiction)
2. T ( and they stay at home from work or school)
3. T ( Many companies have recognised the potential for losing large amounts of time)

C- (2 points for each correct answer)

1. It’s a behavioural failure to resist an impulse.
2………….because there have been few studies on the recent phenomenon of computer addiction.
D- (1 point each)
1. to lose the track of time
2. online
E- 1 point each)
1. Therapists
2. colleges

A- (1 point each)
1. Due to
2. In spite of
3. Therefore
B- (1 point each)
1. Children mustn’t be left alone.
2.If Amr hadn’t left school early, he would have got a degree.
3. Kamal admitted that it had been his fault.
C- (1 point each)
1. hand in
2. had been crying
3. which
D- (1 point each)
1. d (digital divide)
2. b (advanced technology)
E- (1 point each)
1. improvement
2. unbelievable

F- (1 point each)
1. Asking for advice.
2. Giving opinion

III –WRITING (10 points)
Relevance to the content 3 points
Coherence & cohesion 2 points
Vocabulary 2 points
Accuracy 2 points
Mechanics (spelling- punctuation-capitalization..) 1 point